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Accessing a local Runner
Ely Ronen avatar
Written by Ely Ronen
Updated over a week ago

This guide assumes you have installed a Blink runner using our CloudFormation template.
​Logging in to your local runner instance

  1. Navigate to your AWS console (Check that you are logged in to the correct account and viewing resources in the region you deployed the stack) --> CloudFormation --> Stacks.

2. Select the stack you created ( blink-runner unless it was changed during creation).

3. In the stack form/view, select the Resources tab.

4. From the resources list, press the Physical ID link of the resource that has the Logical ID BlinkRunnerEc2Instance. The following page opens:

5. Select the checkbox next to the single instance in the list and press the Connect button at the top right of the page. The following page opens:

6. Press the Connect button. This opens a shell session with the instance.

The ec2-user has permission to run commands with sudo.

Feel free to contact us if you need further assistance.

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